
School Groups

I think there differences about school groups between Japan and USA.

First, School groups in USA are divided more clearly than in Japan. I felt when I read FGCK, each groups hardly have common ground. They don't do anythings together. But groups in Japan are usually divided unckealy. So we can move from a group to other group and join plural groups at once freely.

Second, I think groups in USA care about the status more and they want to decide the order, what group is the top or what group is the bottom.

I have quetions. What image do you have about status and groups in Japan. In Colorado what differences are there between my image and real


Waseda Unversity 125th aniversary event finished!!!

At last Wasda universary 125th aniversary event finished. It was really really excellent. we had a lot of chance to performannce in the event.

On 19th we showed one of our performaces to Presidents from many unversities all over the world. The performance is called Soranb-ishi which expresses fisherman. We get a good review. So We can show it in next party.

On 21th we parformed on the open-air stage. So many people came to the event because the day was just Waseda University's 125th birthday. And we joined the parade and performed there.

I want to show you pictures but I don't have them. I will get them ftom friends.



こんにちは!! 政治経済学部の杉本圭輔です。よろしくお願いします。初めてのmy blog を持つということで何をしていいやら、何を書いていいやら、よくわかりません。とりあえず、今何をしているのか書けばいいのかな?

僕はWaseda International Festival(WIF)っていう団体で副代表みたいなことをやっています。WIFは去年できばっかですが、日本人と留学生合わせて100人以上メンバーがいる団体です。6月のイベントをメインに活動していますが、この秋は早稲田大学125周年イベントと早稲田祭に参加します。125記念パンフvol.2や早稲田ウィークリーに紹介が載ってます。よかたら見てくださいね。



Hi, I'm Sugimoto Keisuke in SPSE.  Nice to meet you. This is first my blog so I'm confused What I should and what I should write. Should I write what I'm doing?

I am a sub delegate of Waseda INternational Festival (WIF). WIF is so young but we have more tha 100 members, local and international students. We are acting for the main event in Jun and This fall we willparticipate in Waseda 125th anniversary event and Waseda-sai. Our info is appearing on Waseda Weekly. If you have a chance, Read it.

My hobby is....What? I don't know well. I like shopping , chatting. Of course WIF.

I will add other info about me if a good idea occur to me. Now it's the limits of my abilities.